Tuesday, March 6, 2012

WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY: Rev. Bruce J. Benton Jr. is the new pastor of Sparta Presbyterian Church. He and his wife, Lynda, will be living at the manse at 147 South Main Street. The couple has two sons and four grandchildren. Bruce has a varied background. He has been a teacher, a principal, and in private business in the restaurant franchise business and commercial development. He also has experience as a counselor and on numerous community boards (including the Durham Chamber of Commerce). Born in Apex, NC, he's attended Wingate University, ASU, Duke and Carolina. (I wonder who he roots for in the ACC). He served as pastor of churches in Durham, Chapel Hill, and Vass. He last served at Gulf Presbyterian Church, Gulf, NC. The community will get a chance to meet and hear Rev. Benton as he is the speaker for the March 21 noon Lenten Service at Sparta United Methodist Church. (see calendar note below) Someone with such a varied background can only be an asset to our community. Welcome to Sparta, Bentons. 

LOW HANGING FRUIT: Debbie Weaver is responsible for getting Sparta as a tournament location for Junior Olympic Volleyball from January to March, but it took the Chamber board several years to see this as an opportunity to increase business in our community during winter months. Debbie's on the Chamber board now and we have reached out to these players, coaches and families with a banner over Main Street (pictured above) and a Website, SpartaVB.com and it is getting results. Several people forwarded the nicest email to me last week. It read:

"I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to the City of Sparta for the warm welcome given to the players and parents who attended the Carolina Region volleyball tournament today.

"We have traveled around the state and country and have never felt the appreciation that we felt on Friday and Saturday. From the staff at Lowe's Food Stores, where we loaded up on supplies, to the counter person at the Alleghany Inn, where we stayed, to the staff at the high school, where we played and finally the staff at River Rock Grill, who gave us prompt and courteous service and made us feel more than welcomed, when we showed up with 35 people for dinner after the tournament. MY WIFE AND I WERE BLOWN AWAY with the hospitality.

"We have now placed SPARTA on our list of places to get away to for a weekend. We really want to get to know this area. It's all because of the people. You should be very proud and THANK YOU!"

You can't buy this kind of goodwill. Merchants: The tournaments continue through the last Saturday in March. It's not too late to put a Welcome sign in your window. I've squeezed our banner onto a standard sheet of typing paper. It's available at sparta-nc.com/banner.pdf. Please consider printing it out and posting it on your business.

THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO PASS UP: The NC Department of Commerce Division of Tourism and the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership will host two Tourism Resource Assistance Center (TRAC)  Sessions in Western North Carolina to help local and regional tourism businesses engage more fully with programs offered by the Division and its partners.
Sessions will be held on Wed., April 18, in Bryson City, from 2 – 5:30 p at the Fryemont Inn, and on Thurs., April 19, in Morganton, from 10 am to 2 pm at the Morganton Community House.

The TRAC program was developed to assist businesses in development and marketing of their tourism products and services. These include: artisans, dining, lodging, and retail businesses, event and attraction owners and managers, entrepreneurs, outdoor adventure providers and others who wish to strengthen their tourism economies. 

At each TRAC session, representatives from the Division will be on hand to discuss services they can provide businesses including strategic planning, assistance with identifying funding sources, and as liaisons with other local, state, and federal agencies. Businesses can take advantage of the Division's research, development and marketing services and discuss best practices in reaching travelers, the media and increasing tourism visitation and spending. In addition the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership and regional partners will also be on hand to answer questions and share resources. 

There is no charge to attend, and no reservation is required, but an RSVP is appreciated. For more information about TRAC or to RSVP, please contact AndrĂ© Nabors at (919) 733-7502, or Eleanor Talley  at (919) 733-0869.

COUPON CLIPPERS: I've been asked why we don't offer more coupons on the Briefing. I have a few to offer, but merchants you've got to do your part and pass on word of those coupon savings to me. Click the links below for coupons. Print and save. One more thing, when you turn in your coupon, please mention that the Alleghany Chamber of Commerce recommended them!

Nikolas in Roaring Gap has their buy one meal get the second for half price coupon special through the end of March.

Ciro's Pizza in Independence always has coupon specials. Clip the one you like and enjoy.

THE HIGH COUNTRY AREA AGENCY ON AGING is currently developing a 4 year area plan on aging to identify the needs of older adults and their caregivers.  Please help ensure that we are made aware of the all the needs in each of the seven counties we serve. Please click here to link to our brief survey or visit our website at http://www.regiond.org.  Be advised that no identifying information is collected; therefore, your input will remain anonymous. 

Thank you in advance for your help. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Tonia Cook, Contracts Manager/Aging Program Coordinator, at the High Country Area Agency on Aging at tcook@regiond.org or by phone at 828-265-5434, Ext. 113 or (toll free) 866-219-3643.

ONE WEEK LEFT: 4-H TAKING ORDERS FOR SPRING GARDENS: Order now to get your blueberry, blackberry, grape, herb, horseradish, raspberry and strawberry plants in time for spring planting. All orders are due by Friday, March 16, 2012. Don't miss out. You'll be sorry when your neighbors are picking their strawberries. Payment is due at the time the orders are placed. Download a copy of the plant descriptions/order form. For more details or call 336-372-5597.

CHAMBER GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ALL YEAR: The Chamber will be offering gift certificates that can be redeemed at most Chamber members year round. The procedure is the same as with the Christmas certificates. The design is a little different (after all, the holly wreath is out of of season.) This is a great way to keep money circulating locally. Give them for birthdays and anniversaries. Employers: Give them an bonuses or reward for exemplary performance. They're better than money because it is not subject to income tax. They come in $25 and $10 denominations. Questions: Email director@sparta-nc.com or call 336-372-5473. 

HISTORY COMES ALIVE: January issue of Alleghany Historical and Genealogical Society is posted online. It traces some local ancestors through the wild west, includes information on the current museum display of clothing, reviews the Society's recent programs and more. There's a great photo of the Turkey Knob Academy and other historical photos. Membership is only $10 and you get the print copy mailed to you. The picture at the left is a dress the late Virginia Setzer made for her first granddaughter along with shoes, hospital bracelet and lock of hair. 

HAPPENING EVERY WEEK: Alleghany Jubilee: Come to listen or come to dance to the blue grass and old time musicians who play on Tuesday beginning at 7p and Saturday at 8p. Admission $4. The Jubilee is located on North Main Street, across from the courthouse. 336-372-4591

Weather permitting, there's lots to do in our community. Where provided, click on the links for more information.

Tuesday, March 6
Think you might have what it takes to start your own business? Be sure to attend "Exploring Entrepreneurship" at Wilkes Community College, Alleghany Center.

Thursday, March 8
Prescription Drug Abuse in Alleghany County, Presented by:  Fred Wells Brason II, founder of Project Lazarus, 10a-12n at Sparta United Methodist Church. The big drug problem in Alleghany and surrounding counties is not pot, meth or coke, it's prescription drugs, the kind in everyone's medicine cabinet. I've been told local deaths from prescription drugs surpass suicide in our county. The Lazarus program in Wilkes County is a comprehensive means of halting this scourge. Mr. Brason will explain the cause of the epidemic, top distributed drugs, death rates, contributing causes to overdose deaths, community education, rescue, treatment, and the chronic pain initiative with mental health, ER’s, and physicians. Certificates of Attendance will be available for 2 contact hours. Registration for the lunch that follows is closed, but there are still spots available for the program. Call to reserve a seat: 336-372-3462.

Sunday, March 11
Second Sunday Mission Meal at Sparta United Methodist Church.

Two film favorites are playing at the Sunday Movies at River Country Estates: Dinosaur and Footloose

Wednesday, March 14
Lenten Services begin at noon Sparta United Methodist Church and continue each Wednesday to Easter. A light lunch follows. All are invited. 336-372-4441

Saturday, March 17
Big Blue Beat chases away the cabin fever for this St. Paddy's Day celebration. Dinner at 6p, music follows around 9p. 336-372-6874

>> Alleghany Jubilee: Come to listen or come to dance to the blue grass and old time musicians who play on Tuesday beginning at 7p and Saturday at 8p. Admission $4. The Jubilee is located on North Main Street, across from the courthouse. 336-372-4591
>> Crouse House Pickers: Local blue grass and old time musicians jam each Monday, 2 blocks north of the Courthouse at the Crouse House in Crouse Park, beginning at 6p. Come and play or just listen. No charge, but a donation is appreciated. 336-372-5473

>> Alleghany Jubilee on TV: Every Thursday at 7p on Alleghany CableVision channel 98 (formerly Channel 50) and Skybest cable channel 21.
>>  Alleghany Memories: Interviews with long-time Alleghany residents recalling local history Every Thursday at 8p on Alleghany CableVision Channel 98 (formerly Channel 50) and Skybest cable channel 21.

>> Barn Quilt Trails: Barns and other structures throughout Alleghany County are adorned with large squares illustrating quilt patterns and add interest to a driving tour of the countryside. Drop by Alleghany Chamber of Commerce and Visitors' Center for a brochure. We are in the rock building with the green awning (58 South Main Street, Sparta). Our foyer is always open and a brochure is always available.
>> Driving Loops: Brochures for three driving loops of the Alleghany countryside are available at the Alleghany Chamber of Commerce and Visitors' Center. Each loop is about a leisurely hour's drive and includes information on historic points along the way. The Chamber office is in the rock building with the green awning (58 South Main Street, Sparta). Our foyer is always open and a brochure is always available.
>> Alleghany Historical Museum is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stop by to experience local history and to see the new displays, 7 North Main Street, Sparta.
>> Veterans' Morning Coffee at the VFW: The VFW hosts an informal coffee just for veterans every Wednesday from 8:30-11 a.m. Click to learn more.

Check for upcoming events: On our website are listings for our Calendar. Check them often and let us know if your activity is not listed.

Bob Bamberg
Executive Director
Alleghany Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 1237 Sparta, NC 28675

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